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To develop simple churches of

Jesus-Followers that make disciples

on Whidbey Island

Navigating in Woods
Trail in Woods


Love God.

Love people.

Make disciples.

Keep it simple.






Eating a Meal

A Vision of Hope


Although it may seem impossible to believe, God has not abandoned you.  He has not abandoned us.  Through all of the pain and the suffering that we see around us, the one thing that we can count on is God.  Whether you have been here for generations or have been pulled to Whidbey Island from the outer reaches of our planet, you can count on a God that has a plan for your life, a God that desires to be in relationship with you. 


At Hope Church, our vision is to show people, to show you how God seeks to restore you to Himself and through that restoration, provide a hope for the glory to come.  A hope that was made possible through Jesus Christ.  Hope Church is quite literally a "family on mission" whose intention is to demonstrate how we can live in community with one another while connecting with God through prayer, study of His word and service to the community at large.  The Bible calls this being a disciple.


Living in community means that you really get a chance to get to know the people with whom you are serving.  That means that you get to know the good and the bad, the messy and the clean.  It also means that you don't have to worry about impressing anyone as all of us have fallen short of God's glory and we are just trying to learn what it means to live under His grace.  All people seek to be a part of a community and we believe that being connected to the Family of God means that we have a mission to serve our local community by being for our city rather than merely existing in our city. 

If you are in need of Hope, if you are in need of genuine relationship with others that has a foundation in something real, we would invite you to reach out.  The God of the universe has not abandoned you.  He has sent His people to be in community with you. 




Hope Church

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